
Network Training activities


NOVEMBER 22nd & 23rd 2021

    • Data handling and Phageomics

    • IP Management and Innovation

An excellent start to our Summer School 1 where the ESR’s were introduced to the world of bacteriophage. It was a fabulous introduction to the world of phage and for the ESRs to learn about the methods, tips and challenges when working with phage.

The summer school continued with sessions on data management and data handling and topics such as open research data, what is data management, why do you need a data management plan (DMP), structure of DMPs, biggest challenges with open data, types of data in microbiome projects, importance of metadata and where to publish data were introduced to the researchers.

The training continued for the ESRs with a very detailed and informative session on IP Management and Innovation where the ESRs were given an introduction to intellectual property and guided through the patent process, IP in academia, IP management and strategy, IP commercialisation, some case studies and the function of the tech transfer offices TTOs.

IP management and Innovation workshop

Great Phageomics session presented by Prof Colin Hill, Dr Lorraine Draper and Dr Andrey Shkoporov

The summer school continued with sessions on data management and data handling and topics such as open research data, what is data management, why do you need a data management plan (DMP), structure of DMPs, biggest challenges with open data, types of data in microbiome projects, importance of metadata and where to publish data were introduced to the researchers.

Summer School 2: Metabolomics workshop April 2022. A metabolomics training session was provided by Dr Xavi Domingo from Eurecat, Spain and attended by all of the ESRs.

Site visit to partner organisation Pinta Luba, Spain. April 28th 2022

Pinta Luba site visit

ESRs got first-hand experience of a relevant industry sector.